Summer 2024 Major Network Expansion

May 9, 2024 10:52 PM
5841 1

ArchMC has been considered the leading Eaglercraft server for awhile now. Unfortunately, we have recently been very lacking in terms of content and quality. A lot of the gamemodes on the server are bug-prone, unstable, or just flat out unplayable. We hear your cries and admit that allowing you guys to even play on such buggy servers is dishonoring, however we have lacked the time and resources until recently.


We are now taking the time this summer to make major revisions to the network so that we can expand, improve, and re-code gamemodes. Throughout all of this, you will still be able to play on the server but there will be an increased number of reboots/maintenance periods for some gamemodes. In 2-3 weeks, we are going to deploy our 2nd Ryzen 7000 machine and move the entirety of the network back to Houston. This by itself will improve performance and ping by a massive margin, as the servers are situated more-so in the middle of the US instead of just residing in the east.


Alongside that, we are planning to re-build the infrastructure for our network in order for it to handle more players and have less lag. Most if not all of the gamemodes are going to either receive major updates, or be redone entirely.


These changes sadly come with caveats. Mainly in the case of Survival and Lifesteal, they are going to be sunset and succeeded by Megasurvival once it is ready for the public. For the longest time, Survival and Lifesteal have been our most unstable and laggy gamemodes due to poor design choices made during their development, and having to be rushed to release. All of this meaning that it is impossible for us to keep progress, and players will have to start over. On the bright side, we will announce this weeks ahead of time and complete world downloads will be available once the plug is pulled.


With that said, we are going to take all of Q3 to redeem ourselves and to get our act cleaned up so that the server is near perfection. We are so excited to take the time to perfect everything and to make the server better than ever. We will announce any updates apart of this expansion project inside of our Discord, as well as inside the Announcements forum. (which is currently bare)


We pray that everything goes well for the next few months and that it is only smooth sailing from here. Until then, Rule Your Own Game.

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May 12, 2024 10:49 AM
archmc so good