the p2w on this server is starting to be a problem

perfection_ Oct 11, 2024 3:34 AM 862

call me poor if you want but u think the p2w is pretty unbalanced as i can spend an hour getting a maxxed netherite gset just to get 3-tapped by some guy with a cloud splitter with rage. imagine people who do not want to pay money have an unplayable experience just because of people willing to splurge. ranks are relatively ok as the perks are simply for convenience and minimal advantages. if anything they should add more tags, things people buy as cosmetics and for cheap. that way more people can afford and there will be more variety on the server, not mentioning the increased income of the owners. bundles like the cloud, grass and ethereal are just op and unbalanced. and whose idea was sharp 7?!? 

thanks for listening to me yap


p.s. visit my xp grinder.

Oct 11, 2024 3:34 AM


Oct 11, 2024 4:13 PM
Majestic Epic

Yeah Perfection_ I totally agree with you bcz many players are losing their interest in pvp due to these op stuff. The bundles are releasing new items which is nice but the amount of extra custom books creates some issue. The pets in bundle are ok but the rage valor cactus etc ebooks creates problem. Some players even had these type of enchantments which can break A MAXED GSET in like 2 seconds ( For ex Haru ). The players grinds gset but still getting 2 shots is wild. Making New ranks and tags is good idea rather than the bundles having op enchants. This will help to maintain the balance between a normal player and the ranked player. 


Oct 12, 2024 12:03 AM
Heroic Legendary Epic

Ya - I agree I don't mind ranks + tags but the items are way to op. they make the server boring

Oct 14, 2024 3:44 PM
Majestic Mythic Heroic

ik bro my maxed out vanilla neth set got one tapped by a certain p2w guy(the armour broke from one hit from the guys sword). ik many people like pvp but this just completely changes how pvp works (meaning more people buy more p2w stff like rage or smth)

Oct 14, 2024 8:28 PM
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