What Happened to me During /trade (and other things). BE FOREWARNED!

_IceCube_ Oct 14, 2024 3:49 PM 628

Please listen and beware of the risks of this server (irl money affected)!

I just got my two swords I have worked for months to get stolen while trading (this happened because a player dumped totems and I had no choice but to exit the trade and dump 13.5 million worth of gear on the ground. I am SO mad and wish I had started a screen recording. I made a ticket (#1262) to the staff to get an account rollback if possible. I am seriously thinking of quitting and I am starting to hate these custom enchants that people pay hundreds of irl dollars to get and try to be the best on the server… I hate the rollbacks right after I complete a big project, also. Ultimately I have lost 16 million in-game money over the last 2 weeks and almost 30 million in all. I HAVE WORKED HARD TO ACHEIVE STUFF (it gets lost and I get scammed)!!! I am thinking of playing MesscraftX or Clever Teaching, instead. Please listen and understand my situation. If there were no “p2w custom enchants” this server would be a NORMAL server with no people leaving because of it! I have spent exactly $100 dollars on this server (spent to make myself money to pay for the builds I do and spawners to buy) and don't want to abandon it! 

I AGREE with haru0506 about MAKING NON-PVP gear like Efficiency X pickaxe, (cloud pet is cool), Unbreaking V ebook, or Speed III boots. This server should bring back evoker and vindicator spawners, also. Right now I can't break my illegal spawners to place elsewhere (so annoying).

Thanks for reading,


Oct 14, 2024 3:49 PM
Majestic Epic


Oct 14, 2024 3:54 PM

FR! They need to make it so you can't pickup/drop items during /trade !!!!!!

Oct 14, 2024 3:54 PM
Heroic Legendary Epic

Wow I agree - that's bad. As for the trade glitch they should disable pickup + drop items during /trade

Oct 14, 2024 3:56 PM


Oct 14, 2024 3:57 PM

#removep2w and ADD helpful things like Efficiency X and Unbreaking V ebooks or tools.

Oct 14, 2024 4:01 PM
Legendary Epic

Icecube pls dont quit i rlly need u in my life

Oct 14, 2024 5:51 PM
Majestic Mythic Heroic

#removep2w   but i feel like is p2w is bad sometimes to people's irl life

i met this guy who spent 3k USD on this server, which i honestly think is not a very good finacial choice especially

the age most of us are.

Oct 14, 2024 8:23 PM

bro, I only started Arch last month and immediately I noticed how scuffed the server was because of p2w and its starting to get so bad that I'm honestly considering quitting Arch cause it seems kind of pointless to work for a whole day to get anywhere just to get trade scammed of tp trapped or lose it all to a rollback and then watch players who p2w get what I spent 16 hours grinding for in 2 minutes it SUPER ANNOYING and it seems like the servers kinda designed to keep the players who spend money at the top and keep new players who don't, down jus sayin #REMOVEP2W

Oct 15, 2024 4:39 AM
Majestic Heroic Legendary Epic

Hello everyone,

I think that I have made my opinion on pay to win items very clear in previous posts, but I will reiterate them here.

I think that inevitably, most minecraft server will have pay to win items. It is a way in which servers can make money and for many, the only way they can make money. However, there are different forms of p2w. 

First, ranks. Ranks are a part of nearly every server and on most, provide small perks that do not make the game unfair, just a bit easier. 

There are also cosmetic items, which I do not consider p2w as they do not impact actual gameplay. These are items such as custom items and tags.

Then there are progression-based p2w items. These are items that let you progress through a game faster, such as mcmmo XP boosters. 

All of the types of p2w mentioned above I am fine with. This is because they provide no advantage that cannot be made up through grinding. However there is one more type of p2w, and this is the one I have a problem with.

Competitive advantage p2w includes items that are unobtainable through normal gameplay and also offer the consumer a large competitive advantage. For example, the Freedom Axe, Freedom Sword, Cloud Splitter, Champion's Blade, and Ethereal Sword are all enchanted with Sharpness VI, which is unobtainable without buying the items. 

Custom enchants are another item that falls into this category. There are now quite a few different custom enchants on Arch, and all can only be obtained from bundles. My problem with these is not that they exist, just how overpowered they are (there are swords on Arch that can do upwards of 30,000 damage in one hit). I understand that ArchMC is not a PvP server, which is a reason many people cite as to why custom enchants are reasonable. However, those people are forgetting that a majority of players are playing with Eaglercraft, and Arch is the most PvP-based survival server out of all of the ones available. 

Overall, I think that many players forget that ArchMC, just like every other minecraft server, is designed to make money. I don't have a problem with most p2w items, and I acknowledge that we need p2w in order to keep ArchMC running. However, I would just like to say that many servers manage to have no p2w that gives a considerable competitive advantage, and I think Arch should strive for this.

Thanks for listening, 


Oct 15, 2024 11:10 AM

VoxelBreaker_ and others, 

I definitely agree with all of you. They also should add non-pvp bundles like an Efficiency X pickaxe or Unbreaking IV or V ebook. MONICA AND BADMIN SHOULD HEAR US OUT: Make this server less p2w and MORE fun. Plus, SPAWNERS need to be un-illegal again. Thanks in advance for listening TO YOUR CUSTOMERS. I don't have a problem with ranks and tags but there needs to be a SEPARATE PVP ARENA FOR P2W ITEMS.

Oct 15, 2024 2:21 PM
Majestic Legendary Epic

I've done about 700,000 damage at most, and the strongest sword right now can probably do 1,000,000 damage easily.

Oct 15, 2024 5:46 PM

bruh the worst part is all the noobs out there like me

we just get obliterated by p2w


Oct 16, 2024 9:32 PM
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