Help! I can't get back to my claim, which is very far from spawn, and I also can't use /back or /l spawn to get there, because I tried both and /back teleported me to the wrong place. I also didn't set /l spawn. I don't know how to unclaim this claim or teleport back there. Would you please help me?
if you know the cords admin could tp you but besides that your cooked.
I know the coordinates, but how do I get the admin to teleport me?
Pretty sure if you type /lands and go to your lands menu u can teleport to your land somewhere in there
That only works if you have a /l setspawn…. and it does not seem like they did that.
Please help me—how do I get the admins to tp me?
use the command /l claimlist to get back to your landclaim, it's a pretty hidden feature but it is very useful for lands without spawn
OMG THANK YOU SOOO MUCH ax100020 I finally got back to my base!