When they say that spawners are resetting, what does that mean exactly?

Crystalite13 Nov 6, 2024 7:50 PM 673

I mean, will they all just straight up disappear, or something like that? I'm very worried.

Nov 6, 2024 7:50 PM
Majestic Mythic Heroic Legendary Epic

i have no clue but i have over 6mil in spawners so i am also worried lol. maybe u cant place them like evokers. but evoker still work in voxels shop cause he placed them before they got removed soo idk.

Nov 6, 2024 8:28 PM
Majestic Legendary

Yeahh I am not sure badmin wont say in discord… or at least I haven't checked yet I will later.

Nov 7, 2024 9:02 AM

I am very worried also its really funny that /ah is going crazy with the economy reset

Nov 8, 2024 2:42 PM

bro its not funny i didnt laugh

Inflation on a Minecraft server isn’t just a frustrating economic issue; it also removes the fun and humor that many players, especially wealthier ones, find in the game’s economy. For wealthy players, part of the enjoyment comes from engaging in trading, resource collection, and item accumulation in a stable or predictable environment. When inflation destabilizes this experience, it introduces a lot of tedious economic calculations and planning that overshadow the lighthearted spirit players often seek. Instead of amusingly finding rare trades or surprising deals, players find themselves continuously recalculating values and feeling like their progress is slipping away, which is more stressful than fun.

Moreover, Minecraft players often have an unspoken agreement that working toward rare items, building impressive bases, or gaining wealth is part of the game’s satisfaction and humor. For rich players, much of the humor is in showing off or sharing their achievements, surprising friends with rare items, or engaging in friendly competition. Inflation undercuts this fun by making those achievements seem ordinary and deflating the pride and humor that comes with them. When everyone suddenly has easy access to once-rare resources, it no longer feels satisfying or funny to flaunt wealth or surprise friends, taking away one of the biggest social joys.

Another reason inflation isn’t funny is that it leads to imbalances and a loss of skill-based humor. For instance, a wealthy player might have enjoyed the jokes and friendly banter around the time and strategy they put into collecting their wealth. Inflation reduces the skill factor in accumulating resources, making these jokes feel flat or irrelevant. When any player can become “rich” quickly due to inflated prices or easier access to resources, it undercuts the humor that comes from achieving a high level of skill, dedication, or resourcefulness. Instead of witty remarks about one’s clever market moves, the humor turns stale as the sense of accomplishment is devalued.

Inflation also impacts the overall economy in ways that create frustration rather than amusement. For example, when common items become overpriced, players often find themselves constantly grinding or trading just to keep up. This repetitive gameplay, required to keep their wealth intact or maintain their market status, isn’t the kind of immersive or humorous experience many wealthy players enjoy. Instead of getting to relax or laugh with friends about their Minecraft successes, they’re stuck in a cycle that feels more like work, robbing the game of its charm and humor.

Finally, inflation takes away the joy of gradual progression and the comedic moments that come with it. Minecraft’s humor often lies in small achievements and the funny mistakes along the way, like trying to barter with villagers or goofily overvaluing common items when you’re just starting out. For wealthy players, seeing others progress from humble beginnings used to be funny and enjoyable. But inflation speeds up this process, making everyone wealthy or powerful almost immediately, which can turn the game into a less humorous, more generic experience. The uniqueness of each player’s journey, which often sparks humor, fades when inflation flattens the playing field in an unnatural way.

Nov 8, 2024 5:40 PM

himself copying me is wild

Nov 8, 2024 8:31 PM
Majestic Mythic Heroic

holy shit himself didnt know u that into english

Nov 9, 2024 3:06 PM
Majestic Mythic Heroic

u should submit that as a college application frfr

Nov 9, 2024 3:07 PM

Its so annoying that the values of ores are inflating so much

I mean, people are just greedy and want material assets to resell after the economy reset but why

Nov 10, 2024 11:01 PM
Majestic Mythic Heroic Legendary Epic


Nov 11, 2024 3:58 PM

Faithful Members of ArchMC, 

Crystalite13: As far as spawners, every spawner will disappear in the game and out of every e-chest, chest, or ANY container of items. There is no known way around this; the admins or moderators will find out if you do manage to bypass the commands to remove spawners. 

Mr_Beanie: I don't know about your comment. 

Himself: I definitely would write a lengthy essay about ArchMC and its declining experience, but I lack the time. 

godlyskillissu3: Everyone over the age of 13 should be able to write as knowledgeable and thoughtful as Himself and many others. 

GuyDeon: People aren't greedy as far as buying from /shop and trying to save their bank account. They are trying to save HOURS of grinding and work in game from the money reset. 

DuPeRAM12345: AI means Artificial Intelligence and has nothing to do with ArchMC and I believe may ruin in-real-life learning experiences and intelligence (not related to this thread comment). 

- Your friend (who has legitimately never scammed a soul on this server [please remember this]) _IceCube_

Nov 11, 2024 5:01 PM
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