As what the title've shown, I'm currently doing a house a day challenge on my 3rd plot.
A further explaintion to this is that I scrapped my old 3rd plot which was supposed to be a spooky themed plot so i can build something else on the same plot. Eventually I am also planning to scrap the dragon's plot by moving the dragon to my first plot (you can now see it in my first plot when you type /plot middle there) and renovating my other town plot into something else.
As of now there's 2 houses now, there will be more until the entire place is full of houses
pink house when
Cinder its me MCraftYT from before i wanna help
Your builds are nice
w build
ooh Nicee! I focus on mostly real life things such as Notre-Dame or Place Des Vosges (two builds I'm working on) but I could see myself maybe making a roleplay server like this. You're builds are really nice and cool, I've seen most of them. Keep it up! (sorry if the “keep it up” sounded offensive it was meant in a kindly manner)
cinderinse i can see how you got builder