Chat box Issues

Grandknight 2024年12月13日下午3点59分 474
Majestic Legendary

Hello everyone, 

    This is not new, but I think most of you can agree to the fact that we have chat box problems. When you get even 25-50 players chatting, that chatbox just FLIES by your eyes. So, if you trying to msg someone, yours/their message is instantly scrolled up by all of the people chatting. I hope the developers will see this message and improve something.

Improvements that could be made:

  1. Every time a person votes, it announces it in the chat. With people voting all the time, this most certainly does not help the chat situation; so, I suggest the removal of the vote announcements.
  2. When people obtain rare keys in the crates, it basically does the same thing as the vote, and it is not really necessary for the players to know who won what and so on… (in my opinion)
  3. Kill statements are a big issue when it comes to a bunch of pvpers in warp pvp killing each other. This is one serious issue that I have noticed. With people chatting at the same time, nobody can read the chat without having to scroll up.
  4. Also, the amount of false advertising that goes on in the chat just amazes me. There are people shouting with all caps says things like “come to /l spawn {whatever}” for good stuff and so on, whereas they are really tp traps.


You could make the chat have different tabs on it, like a tab for private chats where you can open a chat with someone privately. Also, a general/world chat for all the rampage and ruckus of the former chat lol. You could also make a tab (this would probably be hard but….) where it is just chatting, NO advertising under pain of temp ban, but everyone is able to chat freely.

Any ways these are my thoughts. What do you all think? Please let me know if you feel the same way.


so what bro just scroll up dont be a lazy ass pig

Majestic Mythic Heroic Legendary Epic

yeah i think thats true…i agree so admins should fix this

Majestic Epic

just remove the chat :shrug:

Majestic Legendary

Ill remember you Roddy479…. jk lol

and MrLeaf thats not helpful XD
