After the reset we should create an entire nation so that we can have more stuff like an iron farm and all the good stuff.
we have to rebuild again…
no this is not an application thread
can I join?
Lemme join Imfamy bro, I had 14 p2w but I'm so nice that I did giveaways and gave away 150 hours worth of stuff :P
lemme in ive been practicing my building and PVP for reset for like 5days in duels and creative
ill join
Me join fr
My main is P4RSIT0 and I had 287 hours and was also were friends with grandknight, trollman, aquainfinity1, and spade_Ts. I will contribute to the nation and will GRIND hard. (I will also not scam, trap, betray, or do anything that will hurt the nation).
Still the most important player smh,
(I have way to many hours)
(600 this wipe and 500+ last wipe)
Lemme join up
OG Player, friend to VoxelBreaker_, 200iq, NotEvan, and more
PVP GOD and redstonist.
Builder and owner of /land spawn enchantshop