This post will update once I talk to all project members about what they want their role to be
NotBaconYT - Leader
VoxelBreaker_ - Co-Leader
LDShadowLady - Lead Builder
dxdt32 - Builder and Redstoner
Longstickjo - Builder
scythernv2_ - Builder
KingPotato_12345 - Assistant Builder and Mathematician
FangBrawlStars - Material Collector and Redstoner
TheImfamousGamer - Rich Investor
BigBully0470 - Item Donator
P4RSIT0 - Team Grinder
talk to me about what you want your role to be.
Can I pls be a builder I build really well in 1.21 but I can still build good in 1.8
Can I perhaps be assistant builder/ stuff Involving math/ literally anything
I know I'm kinda the new kid on the block so I want to prove myself
slide me builder role
Can i be either a person that gets like the stuff to sell or a redstoner. Also i have school so i cant play a lot
Scythern I remember ur the guy that i played in fb
Potential role - RICH INVESTOR
bc why not ig
TheImfamousGamer can you please buy me majestic rank so I can promote shop or any rank rlly
Bro add me
Could I please join by any chance
(I used to have a massive shop)
Yo could I be a item donator, I grind a lot of custom enchants, and I would be glad to give away around ½ of em.
NOTBACONYT u forgot me :( I talked to u about being the team grinder.
NOTBACONYT u forgot me :( I talked to u about being the team grinder.
I can either be a builder or a grinder. Im good at making miney and getting spawners.
Yo notbaconyt since i got u rank can u make me owner of the land and also right in the middle of the mall i would like to claim a separate land so i can put a bunch of phantom sets on display and a full netherite beacon i will grind for.
notbaconyt got rank too
I’m thinking we build a Japanese style pagoda and we sell different items at the different levels
Oh yea and I am switching mains