Hi, so I have a base which is clamed as Meaner Topia so you can do /l spawn MeanerTopia. There will be a big box outside my house and a staircase going down to the killing chamber. The farm has 3 maxed out cave-spider spawner. If you go there, please do not burn down my house with a water bucket.
You can do /l spawn DoovBooks, its my shop. you just turn right and go across the ravine and you will see a big obsidian/stone brick box. thats the xp farm
The best one in my opinion is /l spawn intelvind because it’s fast and u can get a whole inventory full of ems after you reach like level 70
/l spawn vs idk if its closed
/l spawn buttaducks1
/l spawn grind
maybe not the best xp farm but if your looking for iron/mob drops definitely go take a look