Lifesteal Public enderman farm
Theonlysky 02 June 2024 05:23 145
Oyuncu - Theonlysky Tribute
5 month(s) ago

recently me (darkeye), tamethewha, and bronzebruh built a huge publice enderman farm. we spent hours on it and let everyone use it. Someone decided they wanted to tnt it and completely destroy it. I do not know who did this, but if anyone does, tell me. Thank you, darkeye

Oyuncu - Himself Majestic
5 month(s) ago

L greifers

Oyuncu - Gangster_Bread Tribute
5 month(s) ago

Maybe don't make it public, i made my blaze farm public, like the entire fortress was a blaze farm, but some idiot destroyed all the spawners and killed everyone there

Oyuncu - Himself Majestic
5 month(s) ago


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