why can't i play anymore
Gangster_Bread 02 June 2024 20:05 186
Oyuncu - Gangster_Bread Tribute
7 month(s) ago

I disconnected for no reason I got this message, I think the server hates me!

Oyuncu - VoxelBreaker_ Majestic Heroic Legendary Epic
7 month(s) ago

I am getting the same second message

Oyuncu - Himself Majestic
7 month(s) ago

Thats what happened to my other acc…….

Oyuncu - WitherrAway Tribute
3 month(s) ago

That probably means that someone who actually owns Minecraft with the same username as you joined the server. And then the username will then be reserved for them.

Oyuncu - WitherrAway Tribute
3 month(s) ago

But the server did bug out a few time and did the same to me

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