I did and I didn't do anything wrong I wasn't even online for 3 days now
Like 40 people who duped or were connected to dupers were banned.
wow that seems unfair(except for the people who duped)
FR I DIDNT DO ANYTHING AT ALL, and I barely know anyone that dupes, and I wasn't even one game for 2 days and count this one as 3
lowkey I'ma be quitting js because they ban people for no reason, but I get it if they are trying to do there stuff but they cant be admitting random people, that they think they're duping, First of all I told them a promise I'll keep the server fair and I'll would not be contacted with dupers cause I don't want to get involved. ArchMC is a very good server and I couldnt wait to upload videos and contact again, but once again I'm perm ban FOR NO REASON AT ALL. I haven't hop in the server for 3 days and guess what, I got ban for no reason at all. Only Dumb people would dupe not me cause I love ARCHMC so much. If any staffs or moderators looking at this, I'm not even involved with anyone that duped.
I hope you get unbanned.
Yeah I hope
wasn't Monica the person who was accepting bribes to let some dude keep his stuff after the reset?
huh what happened. oh btw idk if I should quit so give me ideas! heh
If what I see is true then monica should no longer be manager
Thank guys, like bro they think i duped but i didnt i wasnt even online 3 days and i already told all staffs i wouldnt break the rules, i stay offline and they acused me for duping like bro monica is banning people for no reason (Expect people who duped THAT should get banned) As again i didnt not dupe