(BADADMIN LOOK) who wants a new gamemode and who doesn't want lifesteal to reset? (look here)

Kabir_Sassy Jan 14, 2025 10:02 PM 576

So i have a couple of things to say:

  • Why reset lifesteal? More people have played for longer on survival, and all they got was an upgrade to 1.20, something which was lifesteal special until now. Keeping survival in 1.8 would be better because more new (eagler) players will play there (because of player counts)
  • Atleast dont do a COMPLETE reset. Like maybe keep e chests or inventories or something. For all the OG (ppl who started when no economy in lifesteal) ppl, and the gsets(the ppl who should be around 20 hearts, having a full pvp-ready kit or atleast wearing a gset and holding a gsword), restarting completely is a bummer. most will most likely quit because of it
  • ppl are too op? look at survival!

if u agree or disagree, ppl say in comments

now about improvements:

  • make warps for cpvp and non-cpvp. u can like have a 100x100 warp cpvp area wich resets every 5 mins, and the ppl who are fighting during the reset will go back to where they came from and will go out of combat. same thing for non-cpvp. for non-cpvp warp, do something like what u did with spawn, but let ppl place cobwebs and blocks. it will reset every 5 mins anyways, so if ppl completely block it up, its on them
  • let us buy gsets and/or gtools from /shop so we dont have to look at the overpriced prices on /ah ( i mean, that would remove the whole inflation and good prices aspect, but like in chat if u ask for a gset, these prices arepreety much what show up, but on ah its a different story. if u dont add this, ill understand, so please take the other suggestions more heavily). these are the fair prices ppl used all the time until like a month ago:
    • dim pvp-only gset (protection 4, unbreaking 3, mending) 400k
    • netherite pvp-only gset (protection 4, unbreaking 3, mending) 500k
    • dim almost/completely maxed out gset 500k - 700k
    • netherite almost/completely maxed out gset  600k - 1M 
    • dim c-pvp gset 700k-750k
    • netherite c-pvp gset 700k - 800k
    • netherite completely maxed out no blast prot 4 with trims gset - 800k - 1M
  • remove the protection 7 and sharpness 7. the admin chestplate and freedom sword having sharp 7 and prot 7 is fine, but sometimes on /ah or when someone does [item] while holding their set, i see protection 7 helmets or sharp 7 only swords. i think monica (idk if monica is an admin, but anyways) added those items.

survival improvements:

  • just remove the special enchants and items, it makes the game much more complex then needed
  • somehow make it less laggy

NEW GAMEMODE!! (1.9 duels and/or FFA)

long story short, most ppl who play on lifesteal and now even survival used to go to a server called Clever Teaching to practice their 1.20 / 1.9+ pvp skill. clever teaching duels went down, and now ppl rlly dont have another good server, as blobcraft duels also is down. i have a LOT of suggestions, and ideas, that some i cant even describe, so just yk, ask me about it later!

  • add these gamemodes: (includes main gamemodes played, 2nd most played, different versions of all gamemodes, and side gamemodes: (check out subtiers.net and mctiers.com for most gamemodes): 
    • crystal pvp w/ pots
    • crystal pvp no pots
    • crystal pvp w/ mace
    • sword no enchants
    • sword enchants
    • op duels (sword w/ enchants with axe and golden apples)
    • UHC 32 cobwebs
    • UHC 8 cobwebs
    • loka damage dimpot
    • normal dimpot
    • nethpot
    • SMP
    • Netherite SMP
    • Better SMP
    • axe n shield
    • Cart pvp w/ pots
    • Cart pvp no pots
    • Cart pvp w/ extra carts
    • ironpot no heal pots
    • ironpot heal pots
    • speed (aka speed 2 sword w/ encahnts)
    • creeper
    • creeper SMP
    • Manhunt (aka different UHC)
    • MACE
    • diamond smp w/ pearls
    • diamond smp w/ chorus fruit and no pearls
    • bow
    • make ur own kit (ppl can do /k and open a kit making menu with a bunch of items for a personal kit) no explosions
    • make ur own kit (ppl can do /k and open a kit making menu with a bunch of items for a personal kit) 
    • elytra
    • lifesteal season 2 kit (do season 1 if u want)
    • lifesteal season 3 kit
    • lifesteal cleansing kit
    • lifesteal season 4 kit
    • lifesteal season 5 kit
    • lifesteal season 6 kit
  • ok, now some things u can do are like make signs that ppl can click for queueing ppl, and u can do what u did with duels 1.8
Jan 14, 2025 10:02 PM

I so agree bro… I have full enchanted neth with a god base and good friends. I don't want all that to be gone. I have also been an OG player and I played long before the lifesteal economy. I made a god cactus farm and a eman farm that took me a total of 20 days and I really don't want all that to get reset. There's still a lot that can be done without the reset and I want to keep going. So PLEASE do not do the reset. I know plenty of people on the server agree with me so I'm speaking for all of them. Thanks!! 

- EnderKings

Jan 16, 2025 7:35 AM

EnderKings i completely agree ive been playing long before economy. also, we chill?

and u want 1.9 duels on arch?

Jan 16, 2025 5:41 PM

Why would we not be chill?

Jan 18, 2025 8:35 AM


Jan 18, 2025 9:01 AM

EnderKings idk just askng

Jan 19, 2025 10:19 AM

is it gonna reset at all? everyone was saying it was gonna reset at christmas and i gave away my gsets cuz of it and then i found out it didnt reset, so i grinded a few more gsets but then they started saying that it would reset on new years, so i gave away those gsets but it STILL didnt reset so i kinda just quit lifesteal since i have absolutely nothing (i also gave away my hearts and got deathbanned)

Jan 24, 2025 8:26 PM
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