DeluxedOnYT 03 April 2024 18:15 146
Oyuncu - DeluxedOnYT Legendary
4 month(s) ago

Should we have 2 plots?

If not reply and tell me why or why not.

Oyuncu - roBOTing Tribute
3 month(s) ago

yes, that would be great to own two plots, those plots can be different projects. I do agree that there should be a limit of the plots you can own, (ex: 5)

Oyuncu - AdmiralDaniel Tribute
2 month(s) ago

No the plots should simply be bigger

Oyuncu - ShinySilv Tribute
2 month(s) ago

Multiple plots, or simply much larger plots would be great. always good to have more space for building of things and such.

Oyuncu - Cinderinse Tribute
1 month(s) ago

Yeah we definitely should 

or else players would end up getting multiple alts instead

as of now we can have at most 4 plots in total by voting as shown in image

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