Warr4455 03 April 2024 18:30 213
Oyuncu - Warr4455 Majestic
6 month(s) ago

I am writing this AGAIN because the admins of Arch will not follow through with my rank and if this proceeds i will not play this game and will be doing something to show other people how you don't give peoples rank's. Because i feel like i have been scammed. I hope you understand how i feel and i hope that i get my rank sooner than later, for example 2 or 3 hrs ago k2m0r12n asked for his rank and I've been asking for 2 days idk if this is ignorance or just not seeing what i post, my new name in arch is MrWarr because i use that as my Java account so please give the rank to MrWarr my new account.

Thank you for your time.


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