Hello, I rarely speak on this forum, as I made my account just a few weeks ago. But after reviewing it today, I want to clear up some of this drama, as I want ArchMC to be a great server. As a Creative player, I was online when bacon went to creative. He said “first to say me gets maj rank (JK btw don't be mad, I wanna test yall)" and I did say me, I didn't read the full thing until afterwards. Indeed, Bored was the first to say me. But bacon said “read the full msg” then said “alr back to surv” and left the server. (The sayings are exactly what I can recall, they might not be 100% accurate.) And as I remember, Bored was happy saying “OMG IM GETTING MAJESTIC RANK :DDDD" but me and several others told him that bacon was joking. But he never listened.
I hope this clears up Drama, I never took any screenshots as I never imagined how big of a conflict this would turn into.
q1oix are you the owner of q13x's anarchy server? if you are then can you slide loot? my name is still “AidenThe10th_alt”
Aiden no I am not the owner
bro that's obviously bored lmao.
what abt me?
do u not know english? read wut i said
see? the_man1 was a alleged witness, proving my points.