Gamer13_ plantgod and epic_boi_yt also known as wheatgod turn on pvp at there shop(/l spawn wheatshop) and then kill you. This is a form of land trapping which is a bannable offence.
I lost all my loot from them land trapping
how is it bannable if you guys are doing cannibalism in our shop so we kill you and monkeyman321 name 1 time you have been killed exactly you have not no evidence and we cant kill you monkeyman321 if you have noob armour
U are dum right here i have a screenshot
MODSSS PLSS BANN THIS KIDD I WANT epic_boi_yt, plantgod, and Gamer13_ BANNED
why are you banning me if it says epicboiyt
Fr ban epic_boi_yt
I trusted wheatgod cuz i helped him and he wouldent land trap me so when i say /l spawn wheatgod in chat i i tried it and lost my all of my loot& my phantom gear
Jeff_bozos im not like that right
Jeff I almost have you rank we need to talk
BTW I don't own wheat shop it is wheatgod and epicboiyt so idk why I should be apart of this
tp killing is not bannable And I’m chill with planthis because he low-key saved me all my shit
And although I do not like epic boi yt tp killing is NOT ban able
It is bannable because they have it so they have keep inventory so it is not a fair fight and then they trap you in cobblestone. So if you kill them they spawn with there loot but if they kill you they take your stuff i checked there land perms. #GET THEM BANNED!
plant you help kill the people and you are apart of there land. You and gamer13 helped kill people too. Its the same as to say i was landtrapping with this kid but i am not the owner of the land so i shouldn't be banned. Another example, I got stuff dupped from my friend but since he dupped it i shouldn't get banned for being apart of it.
no official rules
land trapping is a big L
Now plantgod is bullying.