No don’t, let people pay you in game money after the reset for the link
O ok good idea
i also got the texture packs
actually i had it for a long time even before you knew this existed
no bragging involved just asking
or mines kinda a little different from yours
there the same ;-;
cause your inventory has a little bit of cyan
its caz i have another texturepack with the nitherite texture pack on
just search up netherite to diamond 1.8.9
leak it
it doesnt show netherite
it retextures diamond to netherite
only way to make netherite show is with CITs, pretty sure badmin's working on something for that
VoxelBreaker_ saved the day LOl
VERY FAKE its just diamond armour that turns into a neatherate
i actually have netherite armor
Me having Java:
Can i get the texture pack
just search 1.8 turn diamond to netherite