Hello fellow ArchMC players,
I just wanted to warn all of you about a very frustrating new bug, so that it does not happen to any of you. If you take a shulker box with items in it and rename it using an anvil, all the items will be deleted. I came to this realization while I was organizing my enderchest. I took all my spawners, put them in a Shulker, and remaned it “spawners.” You can imagine my surprise when I found that my 5 squid. 5 chicken, 6 wolf, 1 pig, and 50 (yes 50) zombified piglin spawners were all gone. In addition to all of that, I lost my entire Shulker of “how the heck was this obtained” items, containing negative durability armor, boots enchanted with “Venom II," and a book enchanted with “Frozen I.” This is an incredibally frustrating bug, and even if it wont be patched, I just wanted to warn everyone.
Have a great day,
thx for tell us :D
Thank you very much for making this known. Would you also mind putting it in support so staff have a more direct line of access to it?
Bro u legend ty