creeper pro : “oi mate we sell potato chips” the existent: “I wanna buy some gunpowder” creeper pro: “we dont have some” The existent: “AND IF I KILL YOU ILL HAVE IT"
MWAUHWAUWAHUWA” creeper_pro: “NOoo” the existent grabs the holy banshee then hits creeper_pro than poo over creepers mouth
how did I lose D:
Wonder what I'm bout to do to this villager???
uses the power of ignoration (although not a word)
kill the villager
I had other plans >;-D
you took off your leggings
Little did that villager know what was about to happen…, he found out a few seconds later.
steve doing this to the villager
no… oh right- your 10, you don't know what the other meaning of pushing someone in the corner…. I better not say that word,but it starts with R
aint no party like a Steve party
crazy work XD
wdym r
steve playz dont tell me what ur about to do ;-;
bros gonna tell the villager to take it like a good boy
steve tell me is the villager tight X_X
or is it loose from all the emeralds he's got shoved up his ass
lets keep it familly friendly
oh ok, @5CR34M