Hello Everyone,
When I joined ArchMC several months ago, it was not pay-to-win at all. Sure there were ranks, but they gave reasonable perks that made gameplay more convenient but not unfair. However, recently more and more things such as the Fourth of July Bundle and the Back to School Bundle have started to be sold on the website, and these things have items that are so overpowered that they make the game much less enjoyable for players who do not want to spend money on Minecraft. For example, the “Freedom Sword” included in the Fourth of July Bundle gave Sharpness VI (6), and the “School Backpack” included in the Back to School Bundle gives Protection VII (7). These enchantments give the players who purchase them an unfair advantage in PvP, and make it so basically no one has a chance of beating them. I would be fine with this if it was just really good regular armor, or things with custom names (like a set of custom-named Prot IV Netherite armor), but because they have enchantments that go above what you can get regularly, no one can get them unless they buy them from the store. I know that running a server (especially one as large as Arch) is very expensive and ArchMC needs to be funded somehow, but I would love to see a way for players to get these items without paying actually money, such as how the “Freedom Sword” and “Admin Chestplate” were sold in the Lifesteal /shop. They could be listed for very high prices, meaning a lot of people would still buy them from the ArchMC store, but this would give players who have played a lot and are very dedicated to the server a chance to get these items too, and I think that a change like this would be much appreciated by everyone.
Thank you for listening,
Another example of an overpowered feature included in a bundle is the first strike enchantment - which lets you deal 16 damage (8 hearts) to PROT IV NETHERITE. This enchantment is only included in the Back to School Bundle, giving players who do not or cannot buy it an unfair disadvantage.
its too op and p2w - ik i buy this stuff but i actually have never used any of it in pvp
its unfair
i agree
same here
This is very true I also think admins and mods should focus on preventing hacking, I know the admins and mods have been working their hardest on this, but I also think hacking is way to common, glitches are also a very big problem, in fact just today I came back from my week long vacation just to find that my entire base had been raided even though it was claimed I only added my very close IRL friends and they sent me proof they did'nt do it. this may have been a glitch, if not the user who raided my base had somehow dug straight down perfectly into my secret vaults., and yes i said secret vaultS they dug straight down into 3 of my secret vaults proving they were using x-ray. I can only hope they have been banned but even so. they prob used a alt or store it somewhere and made a new account. and even if they are banned i wont get my stuff back.
Wow finally people who understand that the game is unfair because they added unfair advantages to those who buy stuff using money. I personally do not want to spend money on a game that should and has always been free! I mean the owners and admins can do whatever they want but please, for the sake of all of us who aren't rich and cant spend money on a “free” game. Please think about this thanks for listening and three cheers for VoxelBreaker_!!!!
Me toooo
wow look at what we have now…
I agree been playing for a long time and a noob that p2w just took all my stuff:(
Yeah they should remove P2W because it making known player leaving the server, Just leave the a lil P2W so people can have a chance to fight too
FRFR bro I can get 1 shot in a gset