Call for War
godww 06 August 2024 14:23 117
Oyuncu - godww Tribute
1 month(s) ago

Our beacon was griefed by none other than her_revengee__ and oone of my most trusted teammates, Dauntless. Please join me and making their lives a living hell. Thank you.

Oyuncu - Gangster_Bread Tribute
1 month(s) ago

damn that's sad, kind of reminds me of what Skyfall always did to his teammates, I remember asking them and they had no good experience with him.

Oyuncu - riveracrobat Tribute
1 month(s) ago

plz no war i not like violence;(

Oyuncu - WitherrAway Tribute
1 week(s) ago

Sounds like some incident from 2b2t but okay…

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