Why does trusting players not work?
RiverCiver 25 August 2024 05:39 65
Oyuncu - RiverCiver Tribute
3 week(s) ago

Trying to simply /plot trust (Player) doesn't work here like it does in every other server. It'll say “You are not allowed to trust more than 0 players to this plot.” This is a serious issue because this means it's impossible to use Worldedit on someone else's plot or even build while they're offline. Please, intentional or not, this needs to be addressed.

Oyuncu - KinitoNarp Tribute
3 week(s) ago

the command is /plot add not /plot trust

Oyuncu - RiverCiver Tribute
3 week(s) ago

/plot add only allows the player to build while the owner is online and they can't use worldedit. They're entirely different commands. You add people you aren't fully comfortable with yet, you trust people who you trust enough to not grief your plot while you're gone.

Oyuncu - KinitoNarp Tribute
3 week(s) ago

well /plot trust cant be used so.. idk

Oyuncu - TurboMaxe Epic
3 week(s) ago


Oyuncu - Cinderinse Epic
3 week(s) ago

Look what I can do with an unfinished build triggering my ocd when my friend goes offline for another 3 years

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