pls add back command
TurboMaxe 25 August 2024 22:11 130
Oyuncu - TurboMaxe Epic
4 month(s) ago

please add back /plot trust and world edit commands like //cyl or //sphere as they dont work for mee also it would be better if u add more world edit plugins and enabled debug sticks so buildings can be more detailed without less effort

Oyuncu - KinitoNarp Tribute
4 month(s) ago

You can make spheres using //brush sphere [block] [radius]

and cylinders using //brush cyl [block] [radius] [weight]

Oyuncu - TurboMaxe Epic
3 month(s) ago

yup but that's way more tedious than just //cyl or //sphere

Oyuncu - KinitoNarp Tribute
3 month(s) ago


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