Chatfilter Bypassing
typing “&e” in chat displays as a blank character
so if i type &es&eh&ei&et
it will display like this (also im not abusing this in-game)
Chat Color (this should not be fixed) (edited)
using hex colors like #AA0000 \ will display like that
This was pretty fun but now it's just so overused and annoying, it's just used for mainly tags such as “Owner” or “Moderator” which goes in the territory of staff impersonation.
brooo alotta kids will get banned for this
almost everyone in creative uses the colors to make a “tag”
tag abuse be like
bro are you idiot nice person you leaked this crap to the public now creative chat is ruined by these kids
could've created a support ticket smh
10% of the creative server knows this site exists
but i used it for a funny rank it was basically
Kitty_Kitten: [Mario]
ik but those kids doing “User1: [Owner] AAA IM ThE rEaL oWnEr ImA bAn YoU AlL” are… annoying A S F
true but a good 95% of us know ranks go before names
but you might ask whats the other 5%? its these random ppl on their moms computer
meanwhile a rando kiddo on arch:
I still dont understand why this guy is sending me emails with swear words and talking shit abt me with that weirdo alt acc otoposis thingy and i know youve wanted me to block arch mc with that vpn or smth error
kinito you were too abusing it. I once saw you say /sex TurboMaxe (I think it was turbo, it's been a while)
Damn wish i could of seen it lmao
Use this to support my cause :/
/plot visit Jmo_fr
See the last command block on the server in my shop lmao