On 1.8 and 1.9 PVP

html2 Sep 7, 2024 2:14 PM 1516

Outrage and backlash has engulfed the server in what seems like a simple issue: the PVP system. Some say that 1.8 pvp is better while others argue for the 1.9 system. However, the 1.8 pvp system is just clearly better in a multitude of different ways in which I shall discuss.

  1. Eagler pvp

Most people that play ArchMC are on the eaglercraft clients. However, since the pvp on such servers such as lifesteal and survival are on 1.9 pvp, there causes a glitch wherein when you get hit, you for some reason get stuck in the air, unable to do anything. This gives people who are not on eaglercraft a significant and unfair advatadge in PVP, and is overall just not fair. Furthermore, the prime objective of playing on such clients as Eaglercraft is for joy and pleasure. We play minecraft because it gives us a sense of excitement, a sense of joy. Given that most people who play eaglercraft are accustomed to the 1.8 system, the 1.9 pvp system would absolutely ruin the experience for most people who are invested in PVP. Thererfore, due to eaglercraft complications and just a lack of joy gained from 1.9 pvp, 1.8 pvp should be reinstated.

2. Different items from different versions

The primary focus of this section is on enchanted golden apples(egaps). The last time I checked, egaps gave regeneration FIVE, essentially allowing you to take absolutely no damage at all. Given this and the mixture of how absolutely slow the 1.9 system is, one can just chug egaps the entire fight and essentially win. Thus pvp is no longer skill based, but rather based on who can hold down right click more, who has more exp bottles, and who has more money to buy gold. Pvp should be mostly centered around skill, yet this aspect destroys the skill part. Furthermore, food items such as steak or golden carrots make you regenerate health extremely quickly, and so does golden apples. So while some may enjoy slower fights, most people who are accustomed to 1.8 cannot stand these slow fights with so much healing. 

3. 1.9 pvp items

The only really 1.9 pvp items that were added were the crossbow and the shield. The crossbow functions just fine in 1.8 as it does 1.9 and the shield should be removed. Objectively, there is no point in a shield in the 1.8 version, so if the pvp were to revert back to the 1.8 version, there wouldn't be a significant loss. Furthermore, most people on eaglercraft can't even see the shield, thus if a person on eagler were to continously hit a person with a shield, they wouldn't take any damage. 

In conclusion, pvp should switch back to 1.8

Thank you for reading

Sep 7, 2024 2:14 PM
Majestic Heroic Legendary Epic

I completely agree with this - the switch to 1.9 PvP has ruined the experience for many Eaglercraft players, including myself. Often, when you have just been hit, you freeze and the screen shakes when you try to move. This makes it nearly impossible to PvP, and as html said, completely unfair.

In addition, enchanted golden apples were buffed in 1.9 - the same time that the crafting recipe was removed. Those two events did not happen at the same time by accident - the new effects of enchanted golden apples are completely unfair when they can be made infinitely, especially on a server with zombified pigman spawners, which make it ridiculously easy to get gold. I think that if the 1.9 PvP is here to stay, enchanted golden apples should either be reverted back to the pre-1.9 effects or made non-craftable.

Thanks for listening,


Sep 7, 2024 7:37 PM

I personally strongly disagree with most of the arguments made here. For the eagler thing, that’s something that can be fixed and should. But thing with egaps is that NO ONE IS GONNA BRING 5 STACKS OF EGAPS TO PVP. AND SAYING THAT 1.9 PVP IS NOT SKILL BASED IS ABSOLUTE BS, IN FACT, 1.9 PVP IS PROBABLY HARDER AND MORE SKILL BASED THAN 1.8 PVP WHICH IS JUST “WHO HAS A FASTER AUTOCLICKER” KINDA THING. AND PLUS, 1.8 PVP CAN SOMETIMES BE SLOWER THAN 1.9. HAVE U PLAYED GAPPLES IN DUELS? As for disabling shield, I think this is just a STUPID Idea, U can always use an axe to disable shields, it’s not that hard. And most important of all, it’s called survival for a reason, and many players just play it for the simple survival aspect of the server. AND 1.8 COMBAT FOR NORMAL PVE JUST SUCKS AND SHOULD HAVE BEEN CHANGED A LONG TIME AGO.

Sep 7, 2024 7:45 PM
Majestic Heroic Legendary Epic

Hi WitherrAway,

Here are a few refutations to your arguments.

First, the eagler problem cannot be fixed - the EaglercraftX client is 1.8.8, so it will always be buggy with 1.9, and the authors of Eaglercraft (lax1dude and ayunami2000) aren't going to optimize their 1.8 client for 1.9.

Second, people will bring quite a few egaps to PvP, as they give players a huge advantage. Also, now that /warp PvP is keepinventory, players can bring as many egaps as they want without the worry of losing them.

Third, no one said that 1.9 PvP is not skill based - merely that the combination of craftable egaps and the 1.9 egap effects form an unfair combination that makes PvP less enjoyable and (generally, not always) take longer.

Fourth, shields give an unfair advantage to Java players, as they cannot be seen on an eaglercraft client if a player holds one in their offhand. This makes it so you cannot tell when you should use an axe, so yes, it is that hard.

Finally, I agree that on any other server, 1.9 would be the obvious choice. However, on a server with craftable egaps, zpig spawners that make it incredibly easy to get egaps, and a playerbase that is mostly made up of players running EaglercraftX, a strictly 1.8 game, the choice that makes the game fairer and more fun is 1.8 PvP.

Thanks for listening,


Sep 7, 2024 8:45 PM

Hi WitherrAway,

I have to 1 up VoxelBreaker_ and give my own refutations(without interloping on his refutations)

  1. Egaps and skill

As voxel said, these are extremely easy to get and essentially make you immortal. I never said 1.9 is not skillful, all I said is that the server implements 1.9 in such a way wherein the use of egaps just counteracts all weaponry. If someone's hitting you a lot with their sword, all you have to do is spam exp bottles and hold down right click on egaps and you're completely fine. Thus the way wherein the server implements 1.9 with craftable and over-viable egaps just makes it extremely slow and unskillful. As I said, essentially whoever brings more heals and xp wins, it's not as much based on skill as it is wealth. Furthermore, you mentioned that people don't bring a lot of egaps to pvp, that is completely untrue. People bring stacks of egaps to pvp(example: JoeysMC) as empirical evidence can tell us, therefore this point is refuted.

2. Shields

Shields are only primarily used in 1.9 pvp, they have absolutely no use in 1.8. All I said was that there would be no significant loss in dynamic weaponry if the server were to revert back to 1.8, the only major casualty being shields, which in itself is a stupid and unfair concept. 

3. Survival

You claim that most people play survival for the survival aspect of the game, yes this is true, however, pvp and pve come up in even the most SIMPLEST forms of survival. If a zombie comes up to you, which is more convenient? Hitting a zombie 5 times in quick succession so it dies or waiting between hits so that it takes longer? Furthermore, since warp pvp is keep inv, most people would just find an incentive to pvp as pvp can bring pleasure and joy. In my first argument, I mentioned how maximizing joy is why people play Minecraft, well pvp can help maximize joy, especially if there is nothing to lose in warp pvp(except heals and pots, which can be replaced easily).

Sep 7, 2024 11:59 PM



Sep 8, 2024 6:11 AM

Egapps are supposed to be uncraftable in 1.9, it’s the people running the server that made it craftable, and it is a simple change that they can revert (Probably by deleting a server plugin or things like that) And also, as for the zombie part, It’s not that hard to wait for a short cooldown that lasts for a few milliseconds.  And as for the shields part, Most people use an axe to PVP on 1.9+ And your shield will be disabled to you get hit by one.

Sep 8, 2024 7:38 AM

And also, believe it or not, the server is also made up of alot of java players, and we usually join on a modern version Like 1.20.6, a version after 1.9, so what will happen if they do revert it? We can‘t block hit and stuff like 1.8 players, and we won’t be able to use our offhand anymore. In that case the 1.8 player will now have a SIGNIFICANT advantage over us. And what are u gonna do about totems, or end crystals and respawn anchors, things used in modern pvp.

Play duels or bedwars if you love 1.8 so much

Sep 8, 2024 7:58 AM

Alr I spent a long time writing refutations but the website deleted everything when I hit send so here's a synopsis of my points. 

  1. Egaps
    1. If egaps are so overpowered, if they're such an overwhelming problem, and they're such an easy fix: why haven't they been fixed already
  2. Zombie
    1. The prime objective of MC is to maximize pleasure, a zombie is an annoyance which mitigates pleasure. We want to be done with annoyances as quickly as possible, 1.8 allows us to kill a zombie quicker, therefore 1.8 maximizes pleasure
  3. Shields and “modern PVP”
    1. You misunderstood my argument: all I said was that there was no significant loss in dynamic if shields are gone. Further, items such as respawn anchors, crystals, and totems are still able to be used in 1.8 through plugins and such, as the server had before it converted to 1.9
  4. And also, I don't believe that the server is made up of a lot of java players. The server occasionally crashes for eagler, and eagler only where java players are the only ones able to join back(eagler players trying to join will be met with a handshake failure). From this, we can see the number of people on the server during this time is 60, as opposed to the around 500 before the server crashed. Therefore, doing some simple math, the population of java to eagler players on the server is 60: 500-60 = 60:440 = 3:22 = 12:88. Therefore only 12% of people are on java while eighty-eight percent are on eagler. If we are to maximize pleasure, are we going to prioritize the 12 percent of players or the overwhelming 88%?
  5. Offhand
    1. Offhand is generally more unfair for 1.8, not 1.9. For people on eagler, they actually have to type the /offhand command(I'm sure java can do that too), taking significantly longer to do than people on java. Furthermore, the only use for eagler in offhanding is totems or items with mending to be repaired with xp, essentially just giving java players a big advantage as their offhand is more dynamic and has more uses. 
  6. Java 
    1. Java players can play essentially every version in MC history, therefore, if you're complaining about block hitting and such, just join the server from 1.8

Anyways I had a longer explanation written but the website deleted it when I tried to click send :/. This is a shortened version of my points cuz I'm not gonna write it again.

Sep 8, 2024 2:00 PM
Majestic Epic

eh I am not reading all of this, but I think it doesn't take a genius or hours of discussion to realize 1.8 pvp was better.

Sep 8, 2024 2:25 PM

1 Egaps: Egapps were nerfed in 1.9, it's the people running the server that chose to buff them and make it craftable

2 Zombie: PVE is an important part of Minecraft and shouldn't to be too easy

3 Modern PVP: End crystals and respawn anchors, stuff like that don't blend well with 1.8's no cooldown system

4 Java :Press Tab



Sep 8, 2024 3:46 PM
Majestic Heroic Legendary Epic

html lol I spent 2 hours writing a 2,000 word essay on why 1.8 was better then the website deleted it :/. I'll rewrite it tonight.

Sep 8, 2024 4:11 PM

Same, happened to me, and it just deleted everything

Sep 8, 2024 5:37 PM

Also, adding a plugin that adds ”1.8” combat might not fix the eagles issue either. And for some reason, other eagler servers like clever teaching has no problem with freezing after hits

Sep 8, 2024 5:42 PM
Mythic Epic

goddamn yall keep yapping

If you want to be able to PvP without lag back issues or your ‘freezing’ issue, we already have a 1.9.4 client that is available to use.


Any people that do go to school can use this link as it is unblocked, and many varieties of the link exist.

1.9 PvP was a change implemented to stop auto clicking methods of PvP, degrade hacked clients, be able to provide a more fun experience, etc. The change was done when the 1.9 client did come out. So complaining about the fact is useless.

Shields can be used in the client, PvP is revamped, and etc. Using egaps in fights is a choice for your kit. It's not mandatory for PvP unless you want to get gear by PvP'ing.

If your upset that you want to kill a mob fast, learn to grow some patience. If you can't stand to hit a mob four times (you don't even need to wait for the cooldown, thats not how 1.9 works) then it is purely your lack of attention span.

Crystal PvP isn't even mean to be implemented in Survival. Lifesteal is where you go for Crystal CPvP, we implemented the totem cooldown so that you couldn't spam and rendered hacked clients useless.

If you can't seem to use offhand correctly it's purely your fault you can't take your time to afford Java nor do you seem to take in the fact that others will buy Java. Eagler is not the main default for the server, Badmin only did it as a way to connect more versions and people together.

Handshake failure is not a crash, its your client being unable to register with a database. Handshake failures can occur to clients that can run Java (Feather Client, error 607), so what you are saying is you are unable to support yourself with a proper client or you cannot decide on getting an actual laptop or PC. Arch won't fix all your problems.

So stop talking so much. Your arguments lead to nothing. Learn how to not use ChatGPT.

Oct 14, 2024 12:53 PM
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