A random guy just sent in the chat ‘come to ch3apxp to grind levels’ and then when I did the tp, I WAS IN A MOB GRINDER WHERE IS WAS THE MOB I COULDNT LEAVE CAUSE I WAS IN COMBAT AND I COULDNT HIT BACK CAUSE HE WAS UNDERNEATH THE SLAB now I know how it feels to be grinded PLEASE REPORT THIS GUY
his username is :
did you lose anything
Yes I lost a set of diamond gear, now I only have 15 sets left
I even lost my vote axe and one of my 20+ diamond shovels.
Don’t worry though I screenshotted the co-ords and found his base. I am going to use an alt to claim the land around his house
u just ask admins to ban that person because people are doing stupid things in the server u know
The_witcher does this too
JPF : kill him
First your describing everything you do have as a flex. Second of all tp trapping isint bannable. You are not getting help.
empty ur inv before going to places you dont know a lot of people lose stuff to tp traps and they just work back for their stuff why did u even say “i only have 15 sets left” stop trying to seem rich and cool ;-;
xp farm more like player farm
I'm sorry, are we just completely ignoring the fact that he's complaining about losing a set of armor when he says he has 15 FRICKIN OTHER SETS OF ARMOR?!?!?!?!?
guys chill why is this still on also I think the guy got banned, anyways I travelled like 10 thousand blocks to find him and spawned a wither near his base but I think he quit the game?
also this was like what 2 MONTHS AGO