oklahomaaaa 04 October 2024 04:34 74
Oyuncu - oklahomaaaa Majestic
1 month(s) ago

So when I die, my grave's head is a steve head usually

But today I used the /lands createcamp command

and it made a fire

And i died

and this is my skull:

It looks cool I guess

reply if you want it???

Oyuncu - oklahomaaaa Majestic
1 month(s) ago

I tested it again and same thing happened

If your username has a skin registered on name mc, then dying to a fire will give you a skull with the same head as the skin

same head as the one you have on this site

i have two now

Try this if you were wondering how people get “custom heads”

Oyuncu - oklahomaaaa Majestic
1 month(s) ago


and got the same head


Oyuncu - Himself Majestic
1 month(s) ago


Oyuncu - Himself Majestic
1 month(s) ago

I just tried it and it didnt work also how do i change the skin it has me as on arch

Oyuncu - Himself Majestic
1 month(s) ago

I got a steve head when i did it

Oyuncu - Xx_yamato_xX_mc Majestic Epic
1 month(s) ago

u should use /skin

Oyuncu - Himself Majestic
1 month(s) ago

also is it possible to change my arch skin (i dont want to be a furry)

Oyuncu - oklahomaaaa Majestic
1 month(s) ago

The player with the java account “Himself” has registered that skin (the head of ur pfp) on name mc.

you cant change, only the person who owns the account can change it.

Eaglercraft accs have nothing to do with this

Oyuncu - oklahomaaaa Majestic
1 month(s) ago

also i tried /skin url and it worked

It only changes the in game skin

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