Msg to badmin about p2w

YeerYeeler516_ 15 de out de 2024 às 13:58 856

Look, I get that u need money to keep the server running but you are losing like a third of survival players to p2w. If you look through some of the other threads, you can see that they agree. Once again I acknowledge that you need money but there are way more ways you can get the mone! plz listen to this statement and take action! I have played on this server for 1 and a half years and don’t want to quit. But I’m very close to quittin. :(

15 de out de 2024 às 13:58

This is very true Badmin were not saying u have to get rid of purchasable items cause u obviously have to make some kind of money but we are saying maybe take out excessively op combat items and maybe just focus on things like pickaxes and other things like that like mobility items and items that make making money easier instead of making someone effectively unbeatable because at the end of the day, the arch is a great server with a great community but it gets kinda hard to wanna play it when I'm scared to go to warp pvp whilst wearing full port 4 neth cause I might get one shotted by someone whos spent hundreds to be godlike cause all the PVP skill in the world can't beat p2w jus saying.

15 de out de 2024 às 14:45

Alr here's an alternative that surprisingly nobody has thought of

Keep p2w but at the same time, make it so that in-game money can be turned into credits. This means that at the same time as p2w making it more convinent, it gives players a chance to grind for that stuff that they so desire. Thus reduces p2w to a measure of convenience(as long as it isn't too overboard)

15 de out de 2024 às 18:37

@html2 this is also a great idea

15 de out de 2024 às 19:54
Majestic Heroic Epic

@html2 good idea

20 de out de 2024 às 14:19
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