I'm done of this!!

_Sean_ 29 अक्टू. 2024, शाम 6:54 बजे 125

i didn't do anything! i was bridging and i got kicked!!!!! Admin!! tell me WHY!!!!

29 अक्टू. 2024, शाम 6:54 बजे

if you were drag-clicking or fast-clicking, then you get flagged. bridging too fast might be detected as flying. other than that the console either might be bugging or you were cheating by either accident or purpose.

30 अक्टू. 2024, दोपहर 4:06 बजे

axil, does that mean i was banned for getting my first full telly ever….

13 नव. 2024, सुबह 9:09 बजे

I think ArchMc don't allow telle cuz too fast cps

18 नव. 2024, शाम 6:45 बजे
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