mooncraft2015 18 November 2024 19:01 45
Oyuncu - mooncraft2015 Tribute
2 week(s) ago

so i recently made an archmc account but when i try to login it just says incorrect password i tried soo many times i reset my password i turned on 2fa i been at this for a month but its not working and when i do /email recover it just says “you do not have an email account”

2 week(s) ago


Oyuncu - mooncraft2015 Tribute
1 week(s) ago

when i do /changepass nothing shows up i dont even know what to do anymore even when i do /recover it just says “you do not have a 2fa account” i honestly think im doing something wrong either that or my arch mc account isnt working is it because i didnt link my email to it because when i do /email add nothing happens

Oyuncu - html2 Tribute
1 week(s) ago

Are you sure you're using the account with the same username as your main account? It might be because you're under a different username…

Oyuncu - Assasin_69 Epic
1 week(s) ago

yeah try seeing if u have the correct username

Oyuncu - mooncraft2015 Tribute
1 week(s) ago

how do i check

Oyuncu - Assasin_69 Epic
1 week(s) ago

just go to ur edit profile button

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