Ban BitcoinMiner!!!

skibidirizzler08 Nov 26, 2024 5:07 PM 458
Majestic Epic

We, the Minecraft community, are calling for the permanent ban of the player "Bitcoin Miner" from ArchMC for their repeated unethical actions in the game. This player has been causing a lot of harm, and we believe something needs to be done about it. Here's what they've done:

TP Trapping: Bitcoin Miner has been TP trapping players, luring them into dangerous situations and trapping them in unfair ways. One of the victims of this was aqua_infinity1, who was tricked into a trap and lost their Party Sword, a super valuable item they had bought with money from their mom’s credit card.

Scamming New and Younger Players: Bitcoin Miner has also been scamming newer or less experienced players, convincing them to trade expensive items for cheap or worthless ones. This is not only unfair, but it’s also cruel, especially when they’re taking advantage of younger players who don’t know better.

Theft of Expensive Items: On top of everything else, Bitcoin Miner’s actions led to aqua_infinity1 losing their Party Sword, which wasn’t just expensive—it was something really important to them, bought with money that wasn’t even theirs. This kind of behavior is completely unacceptable on ArchMC.

We believe that ArchMC should be a fun and safe place for everyone, and players like Bitcoin Miner are ruining that experience for others.

We’re asking for the following actions:

  • A permanent ban for Bitcoin Miner so they can’t keep scamming and trapping players.
  • A review of any past trades or actions involving Bitcoin Miner to make sure they haven’t scammed or stolen from other players.
  • A clear reminder to all players that scamming, TP trapping, and stealing are not acceptable on ArchMC, and that these actions will be taken seriously by the server moderators.

We hope the ArchMC staff will take action and remove this toxic player from the community so everyone can enjoy the game without worrying about being scammed or trapped.


[Frostyflameyt, finndabomb22, aqua_infinity1, pizapiza, takis_23_, and many more victims of the malicious bitcoinminer]

Nov 26, 2024 5:07 PM

Bro I was 2 hours into my archmc career. 200k is a lot at the time. I got scammed for an “epic rank” for 200k by Bitcoin. Bruh almost made me quite- glad I didn't.

Dec 17, 2024 10:04 PM
Majestic Epic

protip: if hes just scamming everyone, how is he talking with them? chat right? just perma mute him! simple.

Dec 26, 2024 8:24 PM
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