So, what do all the new enchants do? write a list and add skill swipe i need to know wat it is
72 views and no help :/
do /ee enchants or some command like that
Thank u godlyskillissu3
i will go use the command
either way its more nice if we conduct a list of them tbh
I know the website of the plugin and it lists all the enchabts and what they do. The link is
heh heh heh you'll never find the other secret /command I know to make EXP bottles >:D
skill swipe? i think it said that it steals xp from players, i think before opening the grave????
inquisitvie give more exp drops, rage multiplies damage by 1.1x
As great_adventurer said the website is very useful along with /ee enchants!
also go to my place where i say these things