I have been unable to join ArchMC ever since they took the server down at about 4PM EST. After the server came back up, I tried joining. I joined but after a second it kicked me and said, "End of stream." Ever since it keeps saying that and I can't join the server. I can't join on any of my alt accounts either. If any staff members see this please reach out to me on discord.
l0d1ng Me and you are Now Blacklisted
i tried to join archmc. but
i cloundnt join survival after server came back up
archmc stuffs will never improvement the unsteble
fix… so if many eaglercrafter has felten uncomfortable, they should to go to another any server
Bruh I haven’t been able to join for weeks now after admins won’t look at my ticket that I forgot my password :( I feel for u guys
Bruh so that means i got blacklist 2 times for no reason :D
this screen just pops up whenever i try to join
Try a diff eagler website like eaglercraft.com eaglercraft.net eaglercraft.su minecraftforfree.com totallyscience.com(search minecraft) or any proxies. Reset ur router or delelte and reinstall chrome. Try operaGX or any other browser(opera is the best I feel for smoother gameplay. Opera is also fine) I am Java and in no way condoning this.