is this survival full reset really necessary??

grantpappy Dec 26, 2024 1:31 PM 195
Heroic Legendary Epic

Hey, I already know that the survival reset is happening, but I just wanted to cover some things about the reset.

  1. Choice. Did the people have a say in this reset? I am 99% sure that Badmin and the staff did NOT have a vote go out to the people, and this was just an executive decision. I know that many people would have voted against this reset because of the time and dedication put into survival. The team decided one day to RESTART survival completely just so they would be able to withstand more people, FORCE PEOPLE TO BUY BUNDLES AGAIN, AND MAKE PEOPLE BUY STUFF THEY LOST IN THE RESET, to make more money. The  ArchMc staff does not care about the people, only their wealth and success.
  2. Needs. Was resetting survival REALLY necessary?? Sure, it's always nice to have new content such as “dungeons,” but why?? Why did they have to fully reset survival when they could leave the old survival as a playing option and have the new survival be factions?? There was no TRUE need to reset survival, it would only be a giant pain In the back to us people who have played for hundreds of hours. (168 hours, I know some people such as Himself have about 600)
  3. Community. Just the thought of trying to get where I was before from nothing makes me flinch. I genuinely do not wanna play ArchMc after this update as all the fun will be sucked out of it. Lots of other ranked players agree with me, a LOT. There is no point in playing survival from the beginning, so Badmin would lose a lot of players from this. Survival did have some flaws, but it was the community that stuck survival together like glue. With no willingness to play again, a lot of the OGs would leave and survival may just become… dead.

I know I shouldn't be saying this, but **** Badmin and **** the entire staff team. This update sucks, and I will probably quit for sure or just play bedwars.

Dec 26, 2024 1:31 PM

There's a survival update? Wow, when is it going to happen? (I'm not on a lot on forums so sorry if this is a dumb question lol)

Dec 26, 2024 6:17 PM
Legendary Epic

I hate it

Dec 26, 2024 7:10 PM

Credits are going to be refunded

ima turn on full cybergrind mode after the resrt

Dec 28, 2024 8:45 AM
Majestic Epic

Credits better be refunded. I bought phantom bundle a few days ago

Dec 28, 2024 9:27 AM

Common Himself shoutout

Dec 28, 2024 10:44 AM
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