Reset Goals

VoxelBreaker_ 26. Dez 2024 22:33 360
Majestic Heroic Legendary Epic

Hi Everyone!

I am kind of bummed about the reset, but I can see the staff's reasoning and why they are doing this. Resets happen to all major servers, and while it destroys a lot of hard work, it lets us start fresh.

Before the reset, I am hoping to get baltop slots 1 through 5, which will probably require hundreds of millions. I already have baltop 1-3, but these will likely not last long as each account only has about  $26,500,000 on it. Because of this goal, I will probably not be giving out much money to people till I hit it (sorry).

Anyway, just wanted to post this to hopefully inspire people to create their own goals and try to not see the reset in a completely negative light.


26. Dez 2024 22:33

Hi Voxel hope you hit 100m and Ill miss You a lot, I hope pqmiamai7 and ninevolt get unbanned Have fun everyone


26. Dez 2024 22:36
Majestic Epic

D3 Why ur blacklisted ?

27. Dez 2024 08:19

Wait guys are all items and everything getting reset

28. Dez 2024 09:39
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