There are people hacking the server and the lagging it and there Aliens invasions in plot please badmin you are the only hope and the_shadow_man is the hacker
pikachu id like to tell you this forum is pointless, but its just the mods trolling you
for SOME UNKNOWN REASON the mods made commands that let them troll you, from alien invasions to summoning you on a platform with a eggplant on it (yes im serious they did that its the funniest one tho)
and they also have chat ones, theres one that turns all your items into potatos also
and i think that the photo is a screenshot from a eaglercraft single player world
they admitted to it then teleported to us and 1v4d us
K1 is right they were hacking. it was Kobe24, zLunar, and _Conure. They got TNT and diamond and Invisibilty pots 1 minute into the game. How exactly is that phsyically possible? It's not. Their range was large and they had SO MUCH POWER! I cannot one shot someone with diamond no matter how many upgrades I got in bedwars. they did.
when we said we got screenshots Kobe24 was all “WE'RE JUST KIDDING”