For the server reset, everything inside of arch survival will be reset. That means all your p2w, bases, lands, claims and items will be reset. This reset Is happening in late January so be ready. But, because players have spent massive amounts of money, you will be getting credits for the money you spent on ing items. There is not much you can do for this reset as you can only wait till it happens. This reset is to give arch survival a fresh start and give a chance to people who just started. That is all I know but rip to ppl who spent 1000+ hours. Tell me if I'm missing anything.
Also I cant join arch at home if some1 can fix that for me il pay them 150 credits bro pls.
You cant join arch at home because you might be using a proxy or vpn
Also will you get credits for already redeemed items
150 credits BRUH
Wait are ranks resetting?
no they arnt @mach_3
ok thx
if you're playing on a school chromebook, your vpn might have blocked archmc. try going to alternate websites or using the java app, if you can import it through USB. even better, use a proxy
Wait 200iq are you back from vacation?
hi 200iq :D
rip to me fr