My Backstory

q1oix Jan 28, 2025 2:45 PM 124

So I started playing this server sometime like 4-5 months ago.  So my journey first started when my friend showed me eaglercraft for the first time I was facinated by this odd block game. I first only played multiplayer because whenever I logged on to arch and other eaglercraft servers it said I had to register and I didn't know how to register/login so I just played single player with my friend Matthew and around like 4 weeks of playing I understood how to actually play the game.

After that my friend showed me a LAN world and we started playing with each other because It was easy to talk to him because he sat next to me in school. I actually beat the game after around 4 weeks of playing the world (the world never closed because he hosted the world and never closed/shut off his laptop also he actually carried me lowkey) Then matthew told me how to register and log on. That opened a brand new chapter of my minecraft journey. I discoved archMC and I immediately fell in love with the survival gamemode. I remember my first account I logged onto archmc with a account called breadboyAlt and an a account with the name of spartaneX2. I remember this person called surena_and_hanno they out of the blue just tossed me like 3 stacks of diamonds I was overjoyed. I immediately made full diamond armor and tools. And I made a base but I did not know /claim existed and I lost all of my diamonds because I put them in a chest inside my base.

I was so very sad I considered quitting this server. but my friend told me not to quit and that I would make it back. I was chilling at spawn opening some vote crates and this person with the name of D3SPAIR just dropped 2 enchanted golden apples and 2 stacks of diamonds I was happy and didn't want to  quit anymore. I put the enchanted golden apples on the ah for 100000$ each they immediately sold. Then I bought my first ever rank I made an alt account called ClownThePierce and for my birthday my gramps bought me majestic I was very happy with it and I transferred everything from breadboyAlt to my ClownthePierce account I figured about things like /claim and how to make it so people could tp to me and people could tp to my friend to my land claim I started grinding money and made my first ever xp farm after I purchased a zombie spawner from /shop and I got almost full prot 4 unbreaking 3 when this shop called /l spawn FitXP opened and I saw that the mending and prot 4 books were pretty cheap and affordable which is when I made my first gset. Then I made my first ever shop called /l spawn ClownXP and I added my xp farm and enchanting table there. at first no one was coming but my shop was given a shoutout by a ranked player. I think it was clownit or someone with a mythic rank.

The recently around christmas time my gramps bought me java edition for christmas which was a huge step forward because I really wanted java because my parents kept saying it was a scam and they refused to buy it. No matter how many times I asked and gave them reasons too they said no. But My grandpa said I had 40$ for anything I wanted for christmas so I bought java which brings us to where I am now my java account q1oix and I got my epic rank which I traded a phantom bundle for the epic rank I have now 

Special thanks to Siddharththegod clxwn_fear for showing me around and helping me with the arch commands and stuff like that.   I made this story becuase 2NY made a post about his backstory so I deceided to copy him and make a thread about my backstory thanks to everyone who stayed here and read this entire post and I hope everyone has a good day and see yall in the next post ;)-q1oix

Jan 28, 2025 2:45 PM

200k for two heaps lmao you scammed some kids ngl

But W story tho

Jan 28, 2025 2:50 PM

W story 

Jan 28, 2025 2:50 PM

also correction I meant to put 10 thousand not 100 thousand.

Jan 28, 2025 2:53 PM

this is yapping

Jan 28, 2025 5:01 PM
Mythic Epic

I’m not reading that

Jan 30, 2025 3:43 PM
Majestic Mythic Heroic Legendary Epic

Lol copy her :) All forgiven! 

BTW: W Story!! Niceee

Jan 30, 2025 3:48 PM
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