To mods, devs even to ilost i got important questions abt game mechanics

martoyigyig 2025年1月29日 11:55 89
Heroic Epic

So i wanna know if tiem shadowing and dungeon forsing is allowed on arch.

Basicly there are weird mechanics that make the java code start tweaking.

So item shadowing is when u see an item in your inventory and when u click it disapears but there is a way to move these item while they dont even exist.

dungeon forsing is when u make a chunk out of nothing but its really hard and complicated to explain.

If you want you can look it up for yourself but its fully reseting or making a chunk

2025年1月29日 11:55
Majestic Heroic Legendary Epic

item shadowing is not a bug, its just a visual glitch.

dungeon forcing and other forms of chunk resetting are not allowed and will be stopped by anti dupe plugins due to chunk overload dupes

2025年1月29日 12:57
Heroic Epic

voxel item shadowing can be used in a lot of ways and i cant be banned for its becuse its and item that dosent exist

2025年1月29日 13:10