So he scammed me of 350k for an epic rank then kept raising the price and then kept demanding me to pay 5m for a epic rank so if u just or any slide me an epic plss
Bro, What?
I didnt do that
R u special?
… If anything, you are the scammer, you just said I did what you did to me but made a different story line. I did NOT scam, you did, a week or so ago.
Who remembers when HE scammed me? Well guess what? He is saying that I scammed HIM! What the F-art?
That was twice, I sent 175k and 350k, HE IS THE SCAMMER, Its NOT bannable? HE scammed and said its not bannable, chill
Sorry for spamming, I'm just bitter and he is just framing me so that he can get free stuff.
Classic Daryl_Dix
He's already my op
He admited it last time, In the fourum, he responded, “You can't get banned because you decided to trust somebody”
Bro I said I would of pay u in credits like I told u u don't fucking listen Ever and u did do or should I tell ur little secret huh mabey I will
wild shit
daryl dix i wil prob jsut kill u now since u are a scammer
scamming is allowed
daryl u should hve just bought maj for your main instead of your alt
Lol just don't buy stuff from ppl u don't trust or use a middle man that's trustworthy
Who want to be my middle man
only a mod can be middle man
cuz they r most trustworthy and can latterly spawn credits