Scammer alert

C_A_P_Y_B_A_R_A 4 फ़र. 2025, दोपहर 11:06 बजे 128

Watch out for hehehe1019__ he scams saying he will sell you a rank and then u pay him, he just leave and ignores you

4 फ़र. 2025, दोपहर 11:06 बजे

Bro how u got maj HUH??

4 फ़र. 2025, दोपहर 11:14 बजे

I bought it from a guy

4 फ़र. 2025, दोपहर 11:32 बजे

gave almost everything I had on ls

4 फ़र. 2025, दोपहर 11:32 बजे

is there any legit rank sellers?
also how do ppl afford to sell majestic its 25$

4 फ़र. 2025, शाम 5:42 बजे

how much does ranks cost for ingame money just give a list thx

4 फ़र. 2025, शाम 6:12 बजे

i brought epic in april last year for 450k in survival and since inflation is going up crazy amounts i think its at least 20 mil for epic in ls now. so about 10 mil per 1$ hope that helps!

4 फ़र. 2025, रात 10:41 बजे
Mythic Epic

25$ cheap ngl But it’s just a waste

12 फ़र. 2025, दोपहर 4:19 बजे
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