I was chilling at spawn trying to find an invisible kid, so I was in the pvp zone. Then, my computer crashed but I didn't disconnect from the server, so somebody killed me and I lost my stuff. I had Ethereal Sword, and a maxed neth Custom set plus phantom hood. If somebody (or multiple somebodies) could put some stuff in the dono hopper at /l spawn Grind it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
damn bro thats unlucky same thing happed to me. hope u get ur stuff back. (ngl i fricking hate those ptw crap it stops all the fun)
It's important for the server to make money, which helps make the server better.
I'll give u all my armor tomorrow (it's kinda good)
Yea thatś what happened to me too.
ok I will help I not that good my best item is grim sytre I will give 3 nitrite block
survival crashed
Thanks everyone
I got an diamond sword with sweeping edge so you can grind xp again if u want if that even helps
Anything helps