Do you loose evertyhing and from E-chests to??? Is there someway to storage your items that they don't dissappear when it is reseting? Is it only survival or whole server?
The reset is late February early March. Development stuff is due the 7th. You will lose everything, so it's going to be like you are joining a server for the first time.
Do you also loose everything in player vault?
yes. everything.
what is the command on to open your vault? Is the reset whole server or only survival?
only for some ranks get vault. It’s /pv (number from 1-10)
even a base?
Yes, everything except your rank and tags will be reset
What do you mean by everthing even your armour and inventory
it's like starting a new survival world
I gonna quit if that happens. and it gives me ithing because I played 200 hr
nah don't leave or I'll be sad
yeah but does have benefits like for how much hours i have played