_Bored_ 10 फ़र. 2025, शाम 7:15 बजे 426

So someone said they're giving me maj rank today but I never received it so when will I get it please tell me whoever said they're giving me it thank you

10 फ़र. 2025, शाम 7:15 बजे

Please send the maj rank It would mean a lot to me

10 फ़र. 2025, शाम 7:28 बजे

It was someone with maj rank and on creative server yesterday pls send it

10 फ़र. 2025, शाम 7:42 बजे
Majestic Mythic Heroic

stop begging bruh

10 फ़र. 2025, शाम 7:46 बजे

im not someone promised me they would give it to me

10 फ़र. 2025, शाम 7:46 बजे

im just asking if I'll actually get the rank

10 फ़र. 2025, शाम 7:47 बजे
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