you have to deal with 9 year olds accusing you of all random shit.
but I'm still gonna run for re-election chat, its not over yet, world peace is kinda accomplished, but I still need to make sure america is secure and safe before Im gone
im not 9 years old
this is why we have trials dawg
Bro I kinda thought the whole countries thing was over
im not aiming the 9 year old thing to u imfamous
I’m also not a nine year old…however you have openly admitted to me that you have scammed people because the “deserved” it
Lol the deserved part is a bit suspicious but i think he means that he took revenge on the people that scammed him or arch so idk
Nah he scammed me ;-;
ahhhhhhhh WHT?
Oblivion vs. NotBacon Provide you evidence both of you
No, I’m not going up against him. It’s not something that I feel the need to do as he is still a friend of mine. I’m just saying that he has told me of his so called “revenge“. If yall dont know who my main is it’s Mp12o9_YT
sryy i acc didnt knoww
Let me just explain how I was scammed, My teammate saw bacon say he was selling epic rank for 400k. I assumed he was being generous and I trusted him so I sent the money so my teammate could get the rank. Then Bacon logged off…When he logged back on I asked him about the rank and he simply replied: The deserved it, They were a scammer…
oh god sryy but who were they were they acc a scammer?
There name was Myo I think, and no they were not a scammer. Haven’t seen them online since bacon scammed “us” out of the rank
oh sryy hope they come on again
oblivions claims are true but I had no idea that oblivion was the friend, but I did it becuz that guy was a scammer (according to chat)
Chat if bacon does prez shi dont vote for his @ss