Responding to nymar_jr8

200Boxedlost 14 Şub 2025 13:10 186

So first off, yes, I did scam him. However, there are 2 reasons for this. 1. nymar_jr8 is actually LOLfit, who has tried to trap me before, and when he failed and died, he threatened to report me to Vaneay and get me banned. 2. I got into another trap yesterday, and he kept messaging me saying that I got scammed by his brother or something like that, which made me think his brother was someone who had scammed me, and later, OblivionX told me that LOLfit had connections to kingmc_ who had scammed just an hour before our interaction, giving me enough reason to scam him back and let karma complete the cycle.

14 Şub 2025 13:10
Majestic Mythic Heroic Legendary Epic

Good job 200boxed lost

Justified scamming

15 Şub 2025 07:12
Majestic Mythic Heroic Legendary Epic

I got another EOTW helmet from killing a trapper. Also clowimclown is officially not trustworthy bc he was at the trap too. I would've killed him also except I was too focused on the trapper: aliiiiiiiiiiiii (idk how many I, but it's a lot)

16 Şub 2025 08:05
Legendary Epic

first he is LOLfit brother not LOLfit other acc and LOLfit is my fr I know his pass I can login to his acc also and plus his brother is  7 year old just  7 year old I am dead ass  and if he is 7 year old how can he make a tpa trap u got that to make ur self get out from the  scam I don't really care do be honest but that lie that u said is just not right.

16 Şub 2025 08:27
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