me quitting :D

godlyskillissu3 14 feb. 2025 14:43 283
Majestic Mythic Heroic

It has been a fun experience playing on ArchMC for a year and a half(or so) I am quitting for a variety of reasons, particularly because school for me is ramping up and if I don't quit i'm prolly gonna fail ;-;. Also, I feel that ArchMC's model is getting overly pay-to-win. For example, someone who buys pixels for $100 can one-shot any person on the entire server(except of course people who also bought it and DiffuseKevjo). This means that free-to-play players don't even have a chance to be competitive in PvP (I tested this with my friend in a normal gset and he died to thorns before even damaging me half a heart). In this kind of model, it is the people that have the deepest pockets that win, not the most skilled people. Not everyone is privileged to spend money on a particular Minecraft server. Anyway, I would like to thank some people for their support.

Yeetdemsheep - My best friend irl, helped me grind my first PvP worthy gear, helped me catch a hacker/duper, doesn't play anymore but u might see him online once in a while(leg rank)

Shadowkiller_ - Also good friend, funnest thing was to spawn trap him lmao, doesn't play anymore(leg ranked)

Timthespam - First ranked person I knew, helped me grind up to ~300k(a lot of money for me back then ;-;), doesn't play anymore prolly on Hypixel

JO_wimf - One of first ranked people I knew asw, helped me a lot

Himself - genuinely chill guy, helped me grind up to ~4m, gave me first p2w doesn't play anymore, i think at least some of u remember him

MrLeafYT - diddler

GolemdaWanderer - cool person, doesn't play much anymore

wtap_god - gave me a lot of stuff and chill if u get to know him

m4rdr - nice person fun to be around

MrBeanie - didn't  talk much but funny asf

L0d1NG - nice guy traded me a lot of p2w (def not scammer T_T)

great_adventurer - invited me to his server and killed a lot of people with him

V01DYT - didn't know for that long annoying sometimes ;-;

BOBlol - gave me stuff and is nice

AES_85 - also inv me to his server and gave me stuff

XBornxtokill - always kind to me

intelligent21 - his shop helped me grind a lot


_pankake - rly nice person overall chill

____1 - didn't talk much but pretty funny

hellochild1ALT - piggy

2NY - nicest person on arch frfr

Unlegendary_Wolf - also rly nice didn't talk that much and doesnt play anymore

if I didn't mention u I didn't forget u so dont spam wHaT AbOuT mE?

also depending on how the reset is like I might come back

14 feb. 2025 14:43

not me…

14 feb. 2025 15:02
Legendary Epic

Pls don't go u will be missed 

Have a Nice IRL


14 feb. 2025 15:09
Majestic Mythic Heroic Legendary Epic

I rlly hope you dont go, please dont go + arch will miss you if you go + if you still decide to leave, goodbye hope you have a good irl and ye ill remember you as a great friend forever :)

14 feb. 2025 15:22

Bro Godly u dont care about me T_T

14 feb. 2025 15:40

But bye though u were a great friend!

14 feb. 2025 15:41
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