Help me out + Missed Drowisy Maj Giveaway BY 30 SECONDS + this is no longer troll here + proof that ikopo scams

Puregod 2025年2月14日 17:15 453

Hi guys fyi this acc no longer belongs to troll im his friend irl (second best). I missed drowisy maj giveaway by 30 sec and polo got it (w polo :sobs:) if any1 of u guys care to dono me ranks or tags ill be ver happy :D and i also have proof that ikopo scams: ( the picture order: 2 3 4 1) 

2025年2月14日 17:15

chest history:

2025年2月14日 17:20

if ur wonderin how i had heroic anf other shi its cuz daryl owned it and he bought items on daryl acc then daryl gave to troll then troll gave to me

2025年2月14日 17:21
Mythic Heroic Legendary Epic

ikopo is my “teammate“

2025年2月14日 17:38
Majestic Heroic Epic


2025年2月14日 17:40